ActiveSys presents BeActive: the department that promises to motivate employees

Companies are made up of people. And today, organizations are increasingly recognizing the value of their employees.

The image of a happiness department emerged in Portugal with Grupo Bernardo da Costa in 2017, and since then this concept has been replicated all over the country.

ActiveSys, considering the current labor market landscape, has followed the trend. Since 2022, we run a happiness department, BeActive, which aims to promote a good working environment, motivating employees and, consequently, increasing their productivity.

Happiness is a corporate investment trend that is highly related to management, not only from the point of view of people, but also of the business. According to a study by Oxford University, happy workers are 13% more productive.

According to the PHC administrators, the greatest benefit of a department oriented towards these values is “having someone focused on boosting the culture and values, with a function that can intervene in various projects and areas, focused on the needs of the employees, always ensuring that they enjoy their experience in the company and that it adapts to their expectations”.

On the same subject, Happiness Works Portugal (HWP) indicates that happier employees miss 56% less work and are 43% less likely to want to leave the organization.

For all these reasons, ActiveSys was looking for a strategy to retain resources, especially in the IT sector, which is experiencing an overwhelming shortage of talent.

And that’s when BeActive began, which, having been in operation since 2023 and attached to the Marketing department, is currently made up of 4 members.

In this context, BeActive promotes a range of benefits in addition to those already offered by the company (such as health insurance), such as the offer of a half-day birthday (to come and celebrate as a team in the morning), a company birthday prize, fruit available every week, sports activities (paddle tennis, hiking, among others) and, regularly, the celebration of special days such as picnic day, coffee day, Halloween, without forgetting the treats on Father’s Day, Mother’s Day, Women’s Day and Christmas.

Still on the subject of motivation, every week we share motivational phrases so that everyone, whether they’re in the office or out, feels strong and happy to face the week.

Companies are made up of people, and taking care of them means working to ensure that people take care of the company as if it were their own.

If we spend most of our lives in the office, working, it makes sense that this period should be a happy one, and that is the great purpose of BeActive, to pamper workers and provide a better quality of life for all ActiveSys employees.

“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.” – Dale Carnegie

ActiveSys, we activate your business. 

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