
Although pens and hard drives are a fundamental component of most devices, given that they allow all types of information to be stored, in today’s society they are not enough, due to the explosive growth of the volume of information that is generated within companies. It is also one of the main components of Data Centers.

The main objective of a Storage is to expand the capacity and performance of storage without having a direct impact on production, that is, to allow intelligent storage of data.

There are two main types of storage:

  • Volatile (Memory): Requires a continuous supply of electricity to store data. It works like the primary storage of a computer, temporarily retaining data and handling application workloads.
  • Non-Volatile: This, in turn, retains digital data, even if it is not connected or does not receive electricity.

This concept is often confused with memory. However, memory refers to the location, in the short term, of temporary data (volatile storage). Rather than storage, it stores data for the long term. Also, the memory is cleared whenever a computer is turned off, the stored data are already saved and remain in their state until they are permanently deleted manually.

Storage devices also vary depending on your need and characteristics:

Internals – if they are part of the computer hardware;
Externals – if installed outside the computer;
Removable – can be connected or removed without opening the computer;
Virtual or Online – allowing access to data from various devices (Cloud).

Most common storage devices:

• Hard drives;
• Pen drive;
• CD-ROM discs;
• Blu-Ray discs;
• Memory cards;
• Cloud.

Types of Storage:

Direct Attached Storage (DAS)

External storage units connected directly to computers. It basically works as a complementary storage disk or, in other words, an extension. In terms of specificities, it offers great versatility for storing large volumes of data, increases the performance of some applications, can perform back up and even share data between connected computers. As an example of this type of Storage, we have pendrives and hard disks based on USB ports. The applications run by Storages DAS are related to data retention and / or increased performance of software that frequently use disk access, such as backup of several computers or sharing data on a local network.

Network Attached Storage (NAS)

A connected storage system, directly on the local network, functioning as a network hard disk and as a file server, which centralizes and conserves data in an organized manner. With this system, it is possible to share and manage all the information stored by all users, in a rational way, using security services such as access protected by login and activity password per user. Furthermore, it performs data storage via block and not via file as in DAS, allowing a more efficient management, in a simple and versatile way.

Storage Area Network (SAN)

Normally set up in Information Technology infrastructures within companies and Data Centers, SAN is a dedicated storage network, composed of servers and stores that are interconnected through IP connections. SAN seeks to simplify and consolidate data production, centralizing and improving information management, with the aim of providing greater security and speed when accessing data. In terms of benefits, it offers greater availability and resilience, increases performance, speed and security in accessing stored data, being intended to remove single points of failure.

Flash All Storage (FAS)

Flash memory / full SSD storage systems. This solution is suitable for environments where the number of simultaneous accesses is very high, such as Data Centers.

ActiveSys is ideal for installing Storages in your company, using the Data Center and Disaster Recovery | ActiveSys – Consulting and Services, Lda and the ActiveSys Systems Engineering Services | ActiveSys – Consulting and Services, Lda.

ActiveSys, we activate your business.

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